A damaged gut to pure harmony!

Jul 12, 2024 | News

Check out the scan of one of our clients below and her story with Nūūtro.

Mold Gut Before and After Peptides

Our client experienced this dramatic change in just under 5 weeks using our peptide stacks!
If you have any sort of gut issues that you just can’t seem to treat, then it might be your turn to try peptides!

We offer 3-month Peptide Therapy programmes tailored to you.

Just check out the review from our client below, we are amazed!

“Okay, so I wanted to see how 5 weeks on the peptides worked.
I never do anything in isolation so I am a terrible control but look at this effect on my intestines!
Black is not good! Yellow is in harmony.
I was sick at the time I ran it so it looks worse than it normally is but before I started the protocol I still had gut issues.
I feel the difference. I don’t feel bloated at all!
But my entire body is yellow (in harmony) except my blood.
That has some clean up work.
I’m shocked but very pleased.
I also used my own supplements religiously but the change is the peptides.
I’m wearing the X39 patch so maybe it’s distorting the result but it feels accurate.
I feel really soft and balanced. My weight is where it should be too.
No thyroid issue, no thymus issue, my adrenals are balanced!!”

– Dana James

Learn the basics of Peptide Therapy with our ebook! Free Download

We stacked 5 peptides with this client and also used our new line of GHK-Cu X39 patches!

Dana was suffering from Mold Illness and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome for years prior to using peptides.

The best part about peptides:

  1. High accuracy.
  2. Extreme efficacy.
  3. Wide use case.
  4. Can be stacked upon each other.
  5. Deliver better results than supplements.

In Dana’s case we stacked:

  1. One specific oral gut healing peptide.
  2. Two immune modulating peptides.
  3. One overall anti-inflammatory peptide.
  4. A fantastic anti-pathogen peptide.
  5. Plus X39 GHK-Cu patches for maintenance.

All in all, we’re so happy with the results.

The scan above is the proof in the pudding!

If you’re struggling with a long-term issue that seems treatment resistant, peptides may be the answer you’re looking for.

Learn more

“Exceptionally professional service offering personalised peptide stacks with thorough ongoing support.
Clean, medical, and trustworthy.
I wanted a reliable solution beyond internet mixing, and the team at Nūūtro delivered.”
– Daniel Soos