Cutting-edge Blend

6-Shogaol IV Therapy

We are an innovative, pioneering and next-generational health clinic based in London. We can provide our clients with the best possible healthcare using advanced technologies. And, through our love of holistic wellness, we are proud to introduce the 6-Shogaol Intravenous Therapy.

6-Shogoal is the most bioactive compound in fresh ginger and is an outstanding anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective element. 6-Shogaol is formed from 6-gingerol by dehydration and represents one of the main bioactive principles in dried ginger rhizomes.

Bioactive Compound

6-Shogaol Intravenous Therapy

Our 6-Shogoal blend is genuinely cutting-edge. Ginger and its bioactive compound 6-Shogoal have been used in medicine for over 2000 years across the globe. Ancient Chinese, Roman, Greek, Arabic and Sanskrit texts have all documented the use of this spice to help improve general health and well-being.

The Knowledge

Clinical studies demonstrate that 6-Shogoal has incredible anti-cancer, anti-oxidative, and anti-inflammatory actions. Furthermore, 6-Shogaol has been shown to protect dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease models via anti-neuroinflammation.

Recent studies suggest ginger-derived substances affect not only diabetes, asthma, metabolic syndrome and cancer but also hold anti-inflammatory potential. Research has proven that 6-shogaol can significantly reduce hallmarks of inflammation, such as leukocyte infiltration or oedema formation, and exhibit neuroprotective effects.

A case history of seven patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (males and females, aged 50–67 years) revealed that the use of ginger esulted in pain relief, improved joint agility, and less stiffness, which goes to show how anti-inflammatory 6-Shogoal truly is.

Within cancer, 6-Shogaol is a potent inhibitor of MDA-MB-231 cell invasion, and the molecular mechanism involves at least in part the down-regulation of MMP-9 transcription by targeting the NF-κB activation cascade. This class of naturally occurring small molecules thus have the potential for clinical use as antimetastatic treatments.

In summary, 6-Shogaol prevents cancer cells from growing into healthy tissue by blocking genes responsible for the spread of cancer. Both local growth and spread by metastasis are inhibited. 6-Shogaol reactivates self-destruction in cancer cells, thereby preventing tumor growth. 6-Shogaol has also proved beneficial in promoting central nervous system health.

Anti-inflammatory Potential

Incredible Anti-cancer Actions

As you can see, our 6-Shogoal Intravenous Therapy is truly the best. Nūūtro is the only clinic to offer 6-Shogoal as an intravenous therapy – we are unique in every approach to addressing disease at the root cause. And we offer this IV to you in the heart of London. Nūūtro is based in Molton Street, Mayfair. We have the most experienced team in London and boast the most exclusive regenerative treatments, such as:

So if you are truly looking to take control of your health, then call us for a complimentary consultation.
Remember, we are here for you.

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