Privacy & Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy covers this website, as well as other sites that mention the same policy.

Nuutro is committed to user privacy and processes your personal data in accordance with the laws in force. The data will not be processed for any purpose other than those specified herein. Nuutro reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time, in particular in order to adapt it to legislative changes.

The data collected on the website forms are intended exclusively for the processing of user requests, and will not be used for any other processing.

Nuutro does not use your personal data to send you any unsolicited mail whose contents have not received your explicit consent. Nuutro does not sell or negotiate its data with third parties.

Nuutro does not disclose any personal data of its customers and users to third parties, without their consent, except when required by law.

Nuutro saves the data of its customers and users on their servers. These servers are protected and maintained in accordance with the highest security standards and in order to respect applicable privacy laws. If you wish to be removed from our database, you can exercise that right by contacting us through the various means available on the website.

Nuutro website uses cookies in certain areas. Cookies are files that store information on the user’s hard drive or browser, allowing websites to recognize you and know that you have visited them before. The user can configure his browser to refuse cookies, but in this case, the website or parts of it may not work correctly. Cookies are used to monitor and analyze website usage, allowing Nuutro to provide the best user experience.

Cookie Policy

To find out what cookies are and how they are used on our websites, please read our cookie policy. If you want to disable cookies on this device, please read the information on “How to manage cookies”. By opting out, some parts of our website may not function properly.

Cookies are used on our website to improve performance and your experience as a user.

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that a website, when visited by the user, places on their computer or mobile device through the browser. The placement of cookies will help the website to recognize your device the next time the user visits it, retaining only information related to the user’s preferences, not including, as such, your personal data.

What are cookies for

Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of the websites, allowing for greater speed and efficiency in navigation, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

What type of cookies do we use

Strictly necessary cookies
They allow users to browse the site and use its applications, as well as access secure areas of the site. Without these cookies, the services you have requested cannot be provided.

Analytical cookies
They are used for the purpose of creating and analyzing statistics, in order to improve the functioning of each website.

Functionality cookies
They save the user’s preferences regarding the use of the website, so that it is not necessary to reconfigure the website each time you visit it. For example, they avoid entering user names each time they are accessed.

Third-party cookies
Measure the success of applications and the effectiveness of third-party advertising.

Advertising cookies
They direct advertising according to the interests of each user, limiting, in particular, the number of times an ad is seen, helping to measure the effectiveness of advertising and the success of the website organization.

These types of cookies used can be:

Permanent cookies
These are stored at the browser level on access devices, such as PCs, Smartphones and Tablets, and are used whenever a new visit to one of our sites is made. As a rule, they are used to direct navigation to the user’s interests.

Session cookies
These are so-called temporary cookies that remain in the browser’s cookie file until you leave the site. The information obtained by these cookies is used to analyze web traffic patterns, which allow us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience for the user.

How to manage cookies

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, through the settings of the respective browser.

It should be noted that, by disabling cookies, some services may stop working correctly, partially or even totally affecting navigation on our websites.

Internet Explorer
1_ Click on the “Tools” menu and choose the “Internet Options” option;
2_ Select the “Privacy” tab;
3_ Move the bar to the top, where “Block all cookies” will appear.
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Mozilla Firefox
1_ Click on the “Tools” menu;
2_ Select “Options”;
3_ Click on the “Privacy” icon on the top panel;
4_ In the “Cookies” section, disable the option “Accept cookies from websites”;
5_ Click “OK” to save the changes and close.
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Google Chrome
1) Click on “Customize and Control Google Chrome”;
2) Select the “Tools” option;
3) Click on “Clear browsing data”;
4) In the selection box, “Clean the following items from:” choose the option “always”;
5) Select the first 4 options and click on “Clear browsing data”.
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1_ Click on “Edit”;
2_ Select “Preferences”;
3_ On the top panel, select the “Security” icon;
4_ In the “Accept cookies” section, select “Never”.
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